
Bell Urban Farm & The Farmstand: 

Phone: 501.504.6996


Location: 2011 Tyler St. Conway, AR 72032

Parking: We have 5 parking spots and one ADA parking spot located at our store. You are always welcome to park in the open field to the left of the store or across the street at the Faulkner Co. Library if our parking lot is full. We are happy to deliver your items curbside if you give us a call!

Farmstand Hours:

Monday-Friday: 10am to 6pm

Saturday: 9am to 6pm

Sunday: 1pm-5pm

Frequently Asked Questions:

-How do I sell my products at The Farmstand?

For vendor inquiries, we ask that you please email us a little about yourself and your business to the email above. Also please include photos, links to your website and social accounts and a wholesale price list. If you are a food vendor, please make sure you are following all current wholesale/resale requirements before contacting us! More info can be found online here or by contacting your local extension office. Please understand that we are a small store with very limited shelf space and can't accommodate all vendor requests.

-How do I become a vendor at the Spring Plant Sale?

While we are not currently taking new vendors for our plant sale, we will add on from time to time if a current vendor drops out. Please contact us at the email above with the following info: Your farm name, website and social links, info about yourself, your farm, growing practices, certifications and a list of plant varieties you typically grow. 

-Is ALL of the produce you sell Organic? 

Simply put, no, not all of our produce is USDA certified Organic. We do carry some certified Organic produce as well as some Certified Naturally Grown produce. Our main focus is on locally grown produce sourced from small farmers. We define LOCAL as sourced within the state of Arkansas! The majority of our famers are small-scale diversified farmers that practice sustainable and regenerative growing methods. Many of them grow using organic standards (No GMOs and no synthetic fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides). Many of our farmers grow produce that we consider to be better than the Organic produce you'll find at a local big box store simply because it is grown on a smaller local scale by people we know and trust! Another reason you wont find a lot of certified Organic produce at our store is because the state of Arkansas has no Organic certification agency and in order to get your farm certified you have to pay a yearly fee and often pay thousands to have an out of state certifier come in. Many of our small family farmers find this to be too much to pay yearly. We think the best part of buying local produce is knowing who grew your food! We love when people have questions about our produce and where it came from! If you have questions about any of our items or the farmers who grew it, we would be happy to tell you! 

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