Little Bitty Greens - Meet Our Farmers

At Bell Urban Farm, we source food from more than 100 producers across Arkansas. One of our producers is Little Bitty Greens.

Located near Greers Ferry Lake, Little Bitty Greens has a mission to bring a culture of nutrition back to their community by growing microgreens.

Brian and Kristen Gardner's story starts while serving overseas in Afghanistan. After some time, they knew they wanted to purchase a home together. Jumping in by faith, they purchased a home in Arkansas on Greers Ferry Lake. Neither had visited Arkansas before, so they took a chance on the state. After some challenging war-zone experiences, both Brian and Kristen were medically sent home, ending their tours.

Upon returning to the States, there were a number of trials and triumphs as life went on. These experiences put their careers on hold. While some would give up, they bonded together through it all by putting their lives in God's hands. After the unfortunate loss of Kristen’s father, the notion of helping others became something even more significant.

While nutrition has always been a part of their lifestyles, Brian and Kristen saw Daniel (Kristen’s father) survive heart disease and cancer for some time due to his dietary and lifestyle changes, which led them to start farming and growing microgreens. Now, they produce a variety of microgreens at their 3-acre homestead!

To learn more about Little Bitty Greens:

Stay tuned for more interviews to learn who produces the local food we offer at Bell Urban Farm!

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